Apple Nukes End-to-End Encryption In UK After Refusing To Give Backdoor Access…
Apple has elected to remove its most advanced, end-to-end encrypted security feature for cloud data in the United Kingdom after the government ordeRead More…
Apple has elected to remove its most advanced, end-to-end encrypted security feature for cloud data in the United Kingdom after the government ordeRead More…
Faahfaahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa howl samafal oo Xildhibaano katirsan labada aqal ee barlamaanka jamhuuriyadda federalka ah ee Somalia ay deRead More…
Hurdadu waxay aasaasi u tahay nolosha iyo caafimaadka qofka, waxey maskaxda ka dhigtaa mid firforcoon, waxayna saamayn ku yeelataa fariidnimada qofRead More…
Former Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble arrived in South Africa on Thursday after the Somali government blocked him from obtaining diplomaRead More…
Waxaa Isu soo bax cabasho ay ka dhigern magaalada Mogadishu Qoysas Soomaaliyeed, iyagoo ugu baaqay Hogaanka Dowlada Federaalka in la badbaadiyo MuwaaRead More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya degaano hoos taga Gobolka Shabeelada Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in aroortii hore ee Saakay ay weerar ku qaadeen Meleeshiyadka ka tiRead More…
According to the statement, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA is monitoring the event and coordinating closely with the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and with the YRead More…
Macluumaad hordhac ah ayaa laga helayaa qorshe ay Hogaanka Villa Somalia ku dooneyso iney isbedel baahsan ku sameyso Xilalka sare ee Dowlada FederaalRead More…
Kulankii ugu horeeyay ee Wada hadalada Farsamo ee u socda Wakiilo ka socda Ethiopia iyo Somalia, iyadoo lagu saleynaayo heshiiskii Ankara ee 11-ka DeRead More…
Paris and Washington are suggesting that private contractors potentially deploy in south Lebanon in a bid to encourage Israel into a full withdrawal Read More…