ICE spends thousands to deport Somali asylum seeker it knows it can’t remove..
The U.S. government has spent thousands of dollars in a determined effort to deport a Somali asylum seeker from Alaska despite Somalia being on the lRead More…
The U.S. government has spent thousands of dollars in a determined effort to deport a Somali asylum seeker from Alaska despite Somalia being on the lRead More…
Muddo 3-sano iyo bar waxaa Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed lagu maaweelinaayay inuu socdo dagaal looga sifeynaayo kooxaha argagixisada kaasoo dhaliyay khasaareRead More…
Ex.Wasiirkii 1-aad Mr.Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo la hadlaayay Jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee dalka Konfur Afrika ayaa sheegay iney run ahayd caqabadihii ka qRead More…
Somalia remains at the top of the list of the most corrupt countries in the world, according to the 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released Read More…
Madaxweynaha Dalka Mareykanka Mr.Donald Trump ayaa shaqada ka eryay Taliyaha guud ee Ciidamada USA CQ Brown iyo 5-kale oo ay ku jiraan Taliyayaashii Read More…
Waxaa lagu wadaa maanta in dib loo howl geliyo Kal-fadhiga 6-aad ee Baarlamaanka 11-aad kaasoo markii hore loo qorsheeyay inuu furmo 6-dii bishan, HaRead More…
Apple has elected to remove its most advanced, end-to-end encrypted security feature for cloud data in the United Kingdom after the government ordeRead More…
Faahfaahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa howl samafal oo Xildhibaano katirsan labada aqal ee barlamaanka jamhuuriyadda federalka ah ee Somalia ay deRead More…
Hurdadu waxay aasaasi u tahay nolosha iyo caafimaadka qofka, waxey maskaxda ka dhigtaa mid firforcoon, waxayna saamayn ku yeelataa fariidnimada qofRead More…
Former Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble arrived in South Africa on Thursday after the Somali government blocked him from obtaining diplomaRead More…