The Dark Side of the Olympic Games: Anti Doping Agency Scam…
Did you know Olympic Anti Doping agency WADA is controlled by U.S. and it allows 3 countries to hold 63% of all Therapeutic DRUG use exemptions and tRead More…
Did you know Olympic Anti Doping agency WADA is controlled by U.S. and it allows 3 countries to hold 63% of all Therapeutic DRUG use exemptions and tRead More…
Maamulka Hargeysa ayaa xad-gudub ku tilmaantay warbixin ay BBC-da Qeybteeda Afka Somaliga oo Khamiistii kaga hadashay hoos u dhaca lacagta Shilinka SRead More…
Two Arizona men pleaded guilty to conspiring to travel to the Middle East to fight for ISIS, the United States Attorney’s Office for the District oRead More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolada Jubada hoose ayaa sheegaya in ka badan 150-Qoys oo dib-u-dajin loogu sameeyay Degaanka LuglowRead More…
Less than four months to the expiry of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) mandate, the continental body’s Peace and Security CRead More…
Golaha Dhexe ee Ururka Xamaas ayaa Talaadadii ku dhawaaqday in Mujaahid Yahya Sinwar oo madax ka ah Halganka ka socda Marinka Gaza ay u doorateen HogRead More…
The dispute between the Federal Government of Somalia and Puntland Admin of Somalia over the tendering process for the rehabilitation and reconstructRead More…
Warar hordhac ah oo laga helaayo magaalada Kismaayo ayaa tilmaamaya in Maamulka Fashilmay ee Jubbaland uu ku amray Xoogaga Amaanka magaalada iney si Read More…
Several Shabaab Militias prisoners sentenced to death have escaped from a heavily guarded jail in northern Galkayo, Puntland, Authorities confirmed, Read More…
Macluumaad Amaan ayaa ka digay xeeladaha cusub ee laga soo minguuriyay Dalalka Bariga dhexe isla markaasna siminaaro lagu siiyay kooxaha ArgagixisadaRead More…