60 To 80 Injured After Car “Attack” On German Christmas Market, Saudi Driver Arrested…
Government spokesman Matthias Schuppe told German media outlet WELT that the car-ramming incident at a Christmas market in Magdeburg “Read More…
Government spokesman Matthias Schuppe told German media outlet WELT that the car-ramming incident at a Christmas market in Magdeburg “Read More…
Waxgaradka iyo Siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda Maamulka SSC-Khaatumo ayaa eedo u jeediyay Hogaanka Puntland iyo Koox gacan saar la leh kuwaasoo lagu eedeeRead More…
In a landmark event for Somalia, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Thursday officially launched the “New Mogadishu” development initiative, a transfRead More…
Warbixino ay soo saareen Saraakiisha Amaanka ee Magaalada Minneapolis ee Gobolka Minnesota, ayeey ku wargaliyeen Maamulka Xarunta Islaamiga ah ee AbuRead More…
The pirates who hijacked a Chinese-owned fishing vessel with 18 crew off the northeastern coast of Somalia last month are demanding $10 million in Read More…
Xuuraano loo qaateen ah & iyo falanqaynta macluumaadka lagu daabacay mareegaha taageera kooxda Argagixisada Shabaabka ayaa daaha ka rogaaya kala Read More…
More than 143,500 people have been displaced across Somalia since January 2022 due to forced evictions, wiping out over $4.6 million in critical infrRead More…
Inkastoo aysan duruus ka baran Fashilkii iyo guuldaradii Qorshii Ciidamo loogu daabulay Degaanka Raskambooni ayaa haddana Hogaanka fashilmay ee VillaRead More…
There’s a coordinated disinformation campaign targeting Somalia on social media, We’re talking about a Cambridge Analytics-grade disinformation cRead More…
Macluumaad dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Qorshe Amniga lagu sugaayo Degaano ka tirsan Magaalada Mogadishu, kadib markii Maamulka Macmalka ah ee VillaRead More…