Ma Dhabaa inuu Turkiga ka Socdo Dadaalo Lagu Kulansiinaayo Madaxda Somalia & Ethiopia..
Macluumaad hordhac ah ayaa daaha ka roogaaya in Dalka Turkiga uu wado qorshe uu ku kulansiinaayo Madaxweynaha Somalia & Ra’iisul wasaaraha EthiRead More…
Macluumaad hordhac ah ayaa daaha ka roogaaya in Dalka Turkiga uu wado qorshe uu ku kulansiinaayo Madaxweynaha Somalia & Ra’iisul wasaaraha EthiRead More…
Dalka Ethiopia oo xarun u ah Ururka Midowga Afrika, ayaa waxaa sanooyin badan ka jiray Colaado sokeeye oo dhiig badan ku daatay iyo burbur baahsan unRead More…
Somalia has accused Ethiopia of smuggling weapons to support Jubaland, a regional state in the country, marking the fourth allegation of sovereiRead More…
Somalia on Friday accused Ethiopia of interfering in its southern Jubbaland region, the latest upset in a nearly year-long bitter dispute between theRead More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya Degaanka Raskambooni ee Gobolka Jubada hoose ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamada Kenya qeybta ATMIS ay bilaabeen dhaqdhaqaaq ay ug baRead More…
A joint force of the Sudanese army and allied factions said on Sunday it seized drones and destroyed combat vehicles belonging to the Rapid Support FRead More…
This is according to the Africa Visa Openness Index 2024 which measures the extent to which each African country is open to visitors from other AfricRead More…
Interpol said a total of 1,006 suspects have been arrested across several countries, A total of 24 Kenyans were arrested in an international joint opRead More…
France must investigate the use of its military systems by Sudan’s paramilitary forces, which could be in breach of an arms embargo, Amnesty IRead More…
Wasiirka Wasaarada Gaashaandhigga Dowlada Fedaraalka Somalia Cabdulqaadir Maxamed Nuur Jaamac ayaa xaqiijiyay in howlgalka cusub ee AUSSOM ee badalayRead More…