Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World..
The world has enough wealth and resources to ensure that the entire human race enjoys a decent standard of living. Yet, people in countries like BuruRead More…
The world has enough wealth and resources to ensure that the entire human race enjoys a decent standard of living. Yet, people in countries like BuruRead More…
As the newly elected AUC Chairperson, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf faces significant challenges in steering the African Union toward greater self-sufficiencRead More…
Warbixin ay toddobaadkan soo saartay Kooxda Kormeerka Cunaqabateynta ee QM, oo ku saleysan xog sirdoon laga helay Dalalka xubnaha ka ah UN-ka, ayaa sRead More…
A Report From Central Region of Somalia said,At least two young men were killed and another injured in an attack by armed militias on herders in the Read More…
How is that two massive ships, one a US Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and Tanker merchant ships, crash into each other on the open waters of theRead More…
Macluumaad dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Howlgal ay Fuliyeen Ciidamada Dowlada gaar ahaan Ururada 175-aad ee Guutada 17-aad Gorgor iyo 146-aad ee guuRead More…
Warbixino amaan ayaa daaha ka rogeysa in Kooxda Argagixisada ee Daacishta Somalia oo muddo bil ah dagaalo ku dhufo ka dhaqaaq ku heysay Xoogaga AmaanRead More…
Dalka Somalia ayaa muddo wuxuu dheer taagnaa isgoys mugdi ah oo halis ah, iyadoo qaab dhismeedka Hey’adaha Amaanku ay aad ugu nugul yihiin CadaadisRead More…
A fresh report Wednesday in The Wall Street Journal has reviewed a US intelligence assessment which concludes Israel currently sees an opening for stRead More…
Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Dowlada Federaalka Biixi Iimaan Cige ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Somalia ay ku guuleysatey soo dejinta lacag gaareysa 4.5Read More…