Italy Supplies Four Bell 412-EPX Helicopters to Somalia Military..
On August 29, 2024, images circulating on social media confirmed the recent arrival of four Bell 412-EPX helicopters on Somali soil. This transfer, Read More…
On August 29, 2024, images circulating on social media confirmed the recent arrival of four Bell 412-EPX helicopters on Somali soil. This transfer, Read More…
The United Nations security council unanimously voted on 15 August 2024 to extend the mandate of the 12,626 men and women of the African Union TransRead More…
Kadib markii uu fashil ku soo dhamaaday Duulaankii qaawanaa ee Xulafada USA, Israek & UK ay ku weerareen Dalka Yemen si loo cabsi geliyo Xoogaga Read More…
Dalka Somalia ayaa sanadihii ugu dambeeyay waxey wajahaayeen khataro Amni oo kaga Imaanaya Dowlada Ethiopia iyo Kooxaha Argagixisada, kuwaasoo dhaqdhRead More…
On Wednesday that Somalia’s Security Forces had arrested the directors of four Hospitals for refusing to enforce a directive requiring patients toRead More…
Macluumaad sirdoon ayaa daaha ka rogay in Hogaanada Boliiska iyo Hay’adda Sirdoonka ay habac ku yimaadeen kadib markii Mowjado weeraro qorsheysan aRead More…
Two Egyptian C-130 Military Aircraft landed at Mogadishu airport on Tuesday, delivering troops and military equipment amid rising tensions between SoRead More…
Warar hordhac ah oo laga helay Degmada Ceerigaabo ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa sheegaya in dhiilo colaadeed kyo Xaalad kacsanaan laga dareemay magaalada, iRead More…
Somaliland Authorities have issued a direct mandate for Fly Dubai and Ethiopian Airlines to reinstate the use of the name “Somaliland” in their fRead More…
Faahfaahin dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Qoraal uu soo saaray Xafiiska Gudoonka Golaha Baarlamaanka taasoo xambaarsaneyd digniin laga soo saaray shaqRead More…