Liis Dalal ay Somalia ku jirto Oo laga Mamnuucaayo Gelida Dalka Mareykanka..
Qorshe ay diyaarisay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada Mareykanka ee liiska Dalalka aan loo oggoleyn iney Dalja ku gal ku galaan USA, Howlwadeenada dalkaasiRead More…
Qorshe ay diyaarisay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibada Mareykanka ee liiska Dalalka aan loo oggoleyn iney Dalja ku gal ku galaan USA, Howlwadeenada dalkaasiRead More…
Macluumaad hordhaca ah ayaa laga helayaa Howlwadeeno USA & Israel ayaa xaqiijiyay iney kala hadlern Mas’uuliyiinta Somalia & Sudan si ay u Read More…
Elon Musk-owned Tesla has sent an unsigned letter to Donald Trump’s top trade representative warning that the company could be harmed by the presiRead More…
Saamiyada suuqyada dunida ayaa hoos u dhac ku yimid, ka dib markii ay soo baxday saadaal muujineysa, in dhaqaalaha Mareykanka uu qarka u saaran yahayRead More…
US government officials have accused Israel of leaking information to the media about the Trump administration’s would-be-secret direct negotiationRead More…
President Trump has eased restrictions on US airstrikes and special operations raids in areas outside of countries officially considered combat zoRead More…
Faahfaahino dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Nin Soomaali ah oo ku nool magaalada Minneapolis oo lagu eedeeyay inuu muujiyay taageero weerarkii gaari xaRead More…
A week after the Trump administration fired the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and five more senior Pentagon officers, another head rolled oRead More…
Some U.S. media outlets are now speculating that the US administration is considering withdrawing and dismantling the U.S. military operations in AfrRead More…
An Alaska federal magistrate has ruled that a 27-year-old Somali asylum seeker living in Anchorage is being detained illegally by Immigration and CusRead More…