Federal court rules Somali man in Anchorage being detained illegally by ICE..
An Alaska federal magistrate has ruled that a 27-year-old Somali asylum seeker living in Anchorage is being detained illegally by Immigration and CusRead More…
An Alaska federal magistrate has ruled that a 27-year-old Somali asylum seeker living in Anchorage is being detained illegally by Immigration and CusRead More…
Macluumaad hordhac ah ayaa laga helayaa Dalka Ukraine oo ogolaatay qodobbada heshiisyada macdanta ee Maraykanka, sida ay sheegeen Sarkaal sare oo ku Read More…
The U.S. government has spent thousands of dollars in a determined effort to deport a Somali asylum seeker from Alaska despite Somalia being on the lRead More…
Madaxweynaha Dalka Mareykanka Mr.Donald Trump ayaa shaqada ka eryay Taliyaha guud ee Ciidamada USA CQ Brown iyo 5-kale oo ay ku jiraan Taliyayaashii Read More…
Warbixino loo qaateen ah ayaa daaha ka rogeysa in Hey’adda horumarinta caalamiga ee Maraykanka (USAID) ay Saameyn iyo dhibaato aan la qiyaasi karinRead More…
How is that two massive ships, one a US Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier and Tanker merchant ships, crash into each other on the open waters of theRead More…
A fresh report Wednesday in The Wall Street Journal has reviewed a US intelligence assessment which concludes Israel currently sees an opening for stRead More…
The UN stands united against the President of the United States, but Italy withdraws and does not join the united appeal. A few hours after the execRead More…
The Wall Street Journal reports this in its new article, according to which Trump’s team has already realized that a significant increase in oil prodRead More…
Faahfaahino hordhac ah ayaa laga helayaa Shil Diyaaradeed oo ka dhacay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Ronald Reagan oo u dhow Washington, waxaana la bilaabaRead More…