School in Galkayo City closes leaving IDP families downcast..
The closure of a free school providing education to more than 300 children from displaced families outside Galkayo has dealt a blow to families livinRead More…
The closure of a free school providing education to more than 300 children from displaced families outside Galkayo has dealt a blow to families livinRead More…
This is according to the Africa Visa Openness Index 2024 which measures the extent to which each African country is open to visitors from other AfricRead More…
Ilo wareedyo loo qaateen ayaa tilmaamaya in Ciidamo ka tirsan Boliiska iyo Nabadsugida ay xalay dhowr goobood ka baareen Xildhibaan Xasan Firimbi oo Read More…
Faahfaahin ayaa laga helayaa Codsi uu Hogaanka Xiriirka Dibeda ee Boliiska Soomaaliyeed u gudbiyay Xafiiska Boliiska Caalamiga ah (Interpol) kaasoo fRead More…
Interpol said a total of 1,006 suspects have been arrested across several countries, A total of 24 Kenyans were arrested in an international joint opRead More…
Horgalada Siyaasadeed ee Sanadahaan Meherada ka dhigtay ka Ganacsiga Siyaasada waxay inta badan adeegsadaan xeelado ay ku marin habaabiyaan ShacabkooRead More…
The Federal Government stated that the Federal Troops arriving in Raskamboni over the past two days will secure areas vacated by the African Union Read More…
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Kulan uu ka qeyb galay Wasiirka Wasaaradda amniga gudaha Dowlada Fedaraalka Cabdullaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil Fartaag,Read More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya in Tiro 62 Haween Soomaaliyeed oo degaankaasi ku nool ay fursad shaqo abuur ka heleen uruurRead More…
China’s military has once again blamed Washington for the breakdown of talks, with the Chinese Defense Ministry blasting US support to Taiwan as the Read More…