Shabaab Prisoners on death row flee Nord Galkayo jail…
Several Shabaab Militias prisoners sentenced to death have escaped from a heavily guarded jail in northern Galkayo, Puntland, Authorities confirmed, Read More…
Several Shabaab Militias prisoners sentenced to death have escaped from a heavily guarded jail in northern Galkayo, Puntland, Authorities confirmed, Read More…
Macluumaad Amaan ayaa ka digay xeeladaha cusub ee laga soo minguuriyay Dalalka Bariga dhexe isla markaasna siminaaro lagu siiyay kooxaha ArgagixisadaRead More…
Caasimada Somalia muddo dheer waxey marti u aheyd qaraxyo dilal Qorsheysan xambaarsan, iyadoo falalkaan ay ku yimaadeen dabaca ku yimid Hey’adaha Read More…
Shabab’s recent display of new fire-rifles, much of which displays Ethiopian serial numbers, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for the EthiopiRead More…
Warar hordhac ah ayaa laga helayaa weerar khasaarw balaaran geystay oo ay ku qaadeen Maleeshiyaadka Maleeshiyaadka kooxda Aragixisada Shababka MaqaayRead More…
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Maamulka Abiy ee Ethiopia oo sheegay ineysan khatar iyo welwel xoogan midna ku heynin tirada sii kordheysa ee MuwRead More…
Somali authorities are warning the public not to go near a sealed barrel that has washed up on the shores of Puntland, amid suspicions that it may coRead More…
Warbixin Sirdoon ayaa daaha ka rogeysa in Bilihii u dambeeyay ay kordheen Tirada Dhalinyarada ku biireysa Kooxdani, kadib markii Maamulka Puntland laRead More…
Kadib markii ay Maamulka Abiy ee Ethiopia si Sharciyada Caalamiga ah ka baxsan ula saxiixeen Maamulka Waqooyiga Somalia ka dhisan heshiis Is-fahan oRead More…
Tensions between the two nations escalated when Ethiopia accused Eritrea of clandestinely supporting the FANO Amhara militia against Abiy Ahmed’s Read More…