Diyaarada Air France Oo Gebi ahaan Joojisay Duulimaadyadii Bariga Dhexe..
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Go’aam ay qaadatay Shirkada Diyaaradaha ee Air France kuna joojisay dhamaan Duulimaadyadii Badda cas ku dulmariRead More…
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa Go’aam ay qaadatay Shirkada Diyaaradaha ee Air France kuna joojisay dhamaan Duulimaadyadii Badda cas ku dulmariRead More…
The UK Foreign Office issues an urgent travel alert for 18 countries, including UAE, Israel, Saudi, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar, due to risingRead More…
As British tourists prepare to embark on their summer holidays, the United Kingdom Foreign Office (FCDO) has issued updated travel advice for severalRead More…
The U.S. Transportation Department said on Thursday it fined Emirates $1.5 million for operating flights carrying JetBlue Airways’ (JBLU.O), desigRead More…
Todobaadkii ee ugu dambeeyay waxaa khalkhal ku yimid Diyaaradaha ay Farsameeyaan Shirkadda USA ee Boeing, kadib laba Duulimaad (Air Singapore iyo QatRead More…
Khubarada arrimaha Dhaqaalaha ee Dalalka ku bahoobay BRICS ayaa muddo waday daraasado looga maarmo ku tirsananta Lacagaha Dollar-ka ($) US oo inta baRead More…
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa xiisad ka dhalatay kadib markii Xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Boqortooyada UK oo Saraakiisha Socdaalka GaroonRead More…
The Council of the European Union decided today “to temporarily suspend certain elements of the EU law that regulates the issuing of visas to EthioRead More…
Visa applications tend to be the first obstacle people encounter while looking to travel. In Africa, some countries find the process frustrating due Read More…
Airlines are weighing an ever narrowing set of options to fly between Europe and Asia after grappling with airspace shutdowns in the wake of the firsRead More…