Eritrea and Ethiopia Face Escalating Tensions Amidst Recent…

Africa News Security

Tensions between the two nations escalated when Ethiopia accused Eritrea of clandestinely supporting the FANO Amhara militia against Abiy Ahmed’s government, Eritrea’s government ordered the suspension of Ethiopian Airlines flights…

Recently, Eritrea has mobilized large military contingents, with President Isaias Afwerki hinting at regional African nations being prepared, prompting joint preparations, Ethiopia launched massive troop deployments on Monday, heightening tensions. Both nations exchanged fiery rhetoric through media outlets.

Since Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s decision to open borders has positively impacted relations between Rwanda and Ethiopia, relations are now worsening.

336970cookie-checkEritrea and Ethiopia Face Escalating Tensions Amidst Recent…

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.