Shabab’s recent display of new fire-rifles, much of which displays Ethiopian serial numbers, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for the Ethiopian government to tighten its control over firearms, Simultaneously, the Somali government must urgently invest in building a robust intelligence unit dedicated to tracking and documenting weapons entering the country..
For over 33 years, Somalia has faced the challenge of an open firearms market, making regulation and prevention difficult. However, the Somali government must allocate funds and resources to a specialized intelligence unit, a team of trained professionals dedicated to tracking and documenting weapons entering the country, which is in the region’s best interest—security.

It will allow the Somali government to gather crucial data on weapon entry points, identify dealers, and uncover those involved. Establishing this intelligence unit is vital for addressing these critical issues and curbing the flow of illegal firearms into the country, Meanwhile, in a recent interview, Al Shabab spokesman Ali Dheere openly expressed how the Somali government destroyed the group’s financial resources and accused the Somali government of receiving weaponry from Ethiopia.
However, the shabab news propaganda website published a video and images displaying new Ethiopian weapons. These accusations highlight the complex dynamics at play and emphasize the urgent need for comprehensive measures to regulate and monitor the movement of weapons in the region.