Top 5 best anti-aircraft missile systems in the World..

Security Tech World

Over the last two years, the world of the military industry has been intensely talking about air defense systems developed by different countries around the world, Below, we have decided to provide you with our ranking of the Top 5 anti-aircraft missile systems in the World…

5-Chinese HQ-9 long-range anti-aircraft missile system

The HQ-9 long-range anti-aircraft missile system is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, cruise missiles and helicopters at all heights of their combat use, day and night in all weather conditions, HQ-9 is the most advanced example of the third generation of anti-aircraft missile defense systems of China and is characterized by high combat effectiveness in a complex jamming environment including with a massive use by the enemy of various means of air attack, HQ-9 – the first Chinese complex with the ability to intercept tactical ballistic missiles of the ground-to-ground class.

4-U.S. SAM MM-104 Patriot

SAM “Patriot” is designed to cover large administrative and industrial centers, naval and air bases from all existing means of air attack in the face of a strong electronic countermeasures of the enemy. The complex is capable of simultaneously detecting and identifying more than 100 air targets, continuously tracking eight of them, preparing initial data for firing, launching and pointing up to three missiles for each target.

3-David’s Sling
David’s Sling is a multi-purpose defense system developed by Raytheon and Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, equipped with anti-ballistic missiles and medium to long-range surface-to-air missiles, The system is said to use a Stunner interceptor missile with a range of up to 300 kilometers and the ability to reach a height of 15 kilometers.

The S-300VM, or Antey-2500, is a long-range anti-ballistic missile defense system made by Almaz-Antey.
The S-300VM is capable of defeating short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, aeroballistic cruise missiles, fixed-wing aircraft and precision-guided munitions. This missile has a range of 200 kilometers and can reach targets at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers.

1-Victory S-400.
The S-400 Triumph, developed by Russia’s Almaz Central Design Bureau, is the best air defense missile system, The S-400 is a multifunctional system with radar, detection, targeting and anti-aircraft missile capabilities, capable of attacking aircraft and cruise missiles up to a maximum altitude of 56 kilometers.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.

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