US Embassy Issues Security Alert ahead of Tuesday Protests.

Africa News

The US Embassy in Nairobi has issued a security alert to American citizens in the country ahead of the planned Tuesday protests, Kenyans have vowed to occupy streets in the country to demand for justice for those who were killed during the anti-Finance Bill, 2024 protests…

The protests are expected to occur in major towns across the country, In a statement, the US Embassy asked American citizens in Nairobi to exercise caution as they go about their businesses, “Calls for protests on Tuesdays and Thursdays continue, in particular for demonstrations in central business districts across the country and road blockages of major thoroughfares,” a statement on the US Embassy read.

According to the embassy, the peaceful protests can turn violent at any moment. They added that US citizens in the country should expect police checkpoints and traffic disruptions, The US Embassy asked American citizens to monitor local media for highway and road conditions before travelling.

They have also been urged to avoid crowds, keep doors locked and windows rolled up while in a vehicle and notify friends and family of their whereabouts and safety, The embassy further wants them to review their personal security plans and carry a copies of their US passports with their current Kenyan visa.

335800cookie-checkUS Embassy Issues Security Alert ahead of Tuesday Protests.

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.