African Union to discuss post ATMIS Mission for Somalia..

Africa News Somalia news

The African Union Peace and Security Council is set to hold a meeting today to review the new African Union mission in Somalia following the conclusion of the ATMIS operation in the country, The meeting, initially scheduled for July 25, has been postponed twice.

It is expected to discuss securing financial support for the new mission, named the African Union Stabilization and Support Operation in Somalia (AUSSOM), The AU Peace and Security Council will receive reports from the Special Representative of the African Union Commission for Somalia Chairperson and Head of ATMIS, Mohamed El-Amine Souef.

The post-ATMIS mission is anticipated to comprise 11,911 personnel, including 85 civilians, 11,146 military personnel, and 680 police officers, to be deployed in four sectors, The structure of the new mission will include current forces and potentially new forces from the countries already contributing troops to Somalia, the Mission is expected to will last for 4-Years.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.