Africa’s Youth ‘losing faith in Authority’..

Africa News

A civil sector ‘white paper’ on the hopes and aspirations of Africa’s youth across 16 Sub-Saharan states, including Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, has shown declining trust in nearly all figures and institutions of authority, Africa’s youth constitute the fastest growing demographic on the planet, said the survey overview…

The recently published African Youth Survey 2024 by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation, a private research institute headed by South African entrepreneur and philanthropist Ivor Ichikowitz, surveyed views and opinions of 5,604 Africans, half male and half female, aged 18-24, Traditional and political leaders across the spectrum were among those who have increasingly lost favor with the surveyed group, the interviews revealed.

Our continent’s total population stands at 1.4 billion – by 2050, it will add (over) another billion people, by which time young Africans will constitute the world’s largest source of labour, By the end of the century, the population in Africa is projected to reach 4.2 billion –40 percent (of the global total) – and most of them will be in their twenties,” added Ichikowitz.

In its investigation of African youth attitudes and views, the survey observed that there is a “remarkable transformation” taking place in Africa, the total continental population nearly doubling to 2.5 billion over the next 25 years.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.

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