Puntland: Tensions Escalate in Bosaso as Fear of War Looms..

Security Somalia news

The once-thriving commercial hub of Puntland, Bosaso, is teetering on the edge of a major conflict. Tensions have escalated dramatically in recent weeks, with the Puntland government and the Puntland Security Forces (PSF) locked in a standoff that threatens to destabilize the region…

At the heart of the dispute is the control of Bosaso Airport. The PSF claims that the airport has been illegally occupied by the Puntland Marine Police Force (PMPF), a UAE-backed paramilitary group. The PSF has demanded that the airport be returned to civilian control, but their requests have been met with defiance.

Tensions peaked on the night of September 22, when PMPF forces with armored vehicles occupied roads used by PSF forces, triggering an exodus of vulnerable residents from areas like Laanta Hawada and Boqolka Bush. Although the troops were withdrawn after 40 minutes, the incident has left the population on edge.

President Deni has been observed bringing PMPF soldiers into the area via public buses in recent days. On Monday, he visited the 54th camp to rally troops, The situation deteriorated further on September 24, when forces loyal to President Deni clashed with PSF forces in central Bosaso, resulting in injuries to two soldiers.

Adding to the tensions, the Puntland government recently purchased a large shipment of weapons and ammunition from Ethiopia. This acquisition has fueled concerns that the conflict could escalate further, The conflict has already had a significant impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. Many residents have fled the city, fearing for their safety. The economic consequences of the crisis are also likely to be severe.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.


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