East Africam ODPP Stakeholders are discussing ways of countering terrorism and other forms of transnational crimes..

Africa News

Stakeholders from various government agencies from the Eastern Africa region discussing areas of focus towards Countering Terrorism and other forms of Transnational Organised Crime at Trademark Hotel, Nairobi on May 20, The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions participated in the East Africa Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime roundtable..

This is aimed at advancing interagency collaboration towards effective prosecutions, Head of Counter Terrorism and Transnational organised crimes division in the ODPP, Michael Sang, expressed gratitude to the US Department of Justice and US Department of Defence for organising the workshop, He noted that input from the diverse entities will positively impact on efforts geared towards addressing terrorism activities in the region.

Sang added that the workshop builds on previous commitments and strategies while providing stakeholders with opportunities to assess the adequacy of the existing legal, policy and institutional framework in countering terrorism and transnational organised crime and their symbiotic relationship, He called on all entities to embrace teamwork and cooperation in tackling terrorism activities, noting that the vice presents a multi-faceted threat that cannot be dealt with by a single entity.

Trafficking in arms, persons, drugs, cultural property, the illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources such as precious metals and minerals, as well as timber, charcoal and wildlife, non-profit organisations, external donations include factors highlighted to be fuelling terror activities, This comes as the ODPP intensifies operations in a bid to independently exercise powers of prosecution.

327720cookie-checkEast Africam ODPP Stakeholders are discussing ways of countering terrorism and other forms of transnational crimes..

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.
