Four elite Police Officers killed by al Shabaab in Mandera..

Africa News

At least four elite police officers from the Special Operations Group (SOG) were Thursday killed in an ambush by al Shabaab terrorists in the Guba area, Elwak, Mandera County, Their bodies were found Friday morning long after they had succumbed to their injuries after they were hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, police said…

Six others were injured and evacuated on Thursday night by response teams, Police said five al Shabaab terrorists were killed in the clash that happened on Thursday, July 11 evening as a team from SOG pursued suspected terrorists who had been sighted in the area, Five other police officers who were missing were found alive but with injuries.

SOG is an elite team under the Border Patrol Unit which is charged with containing terror activities along the main porous Kenya-Somalia border, They have managed to contain terror activities in the area in general, The officers were trailing gunmen in the area when they were ambushed at about 6 pm on Thursday.

335380cookie-checkFour elite Police Officers killed by al Shabaab in Mandera..

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.