Parts of Eastleigh to be hit by power interruption Saturday..

Africa News

Kenya Power has listed areas in Nairobi to experience power interruption on Saturday, The interruptions are done periodically to facilitate system maintenance, The utility company said the planned power interruptions on Saturday will take effect between 9 am and 5 pm…

Areas to be affected are all located in Eastleigh, Installations to be affected by the scheduled power interruption include Starehe Boys, Pumwani Boys, BBS Mall, Ismarriet Restaurant and adjacent customers, Kenya Power issues the public notices in advance to allow customers sufficient time to make adjustments, The interruptions are done periodically to facilitate system maintenance.

Also, Residents in Nairobi were on Friday caught off-guard after heavy downpour pounded the city, Walking paths in the Nairobi streets were completely submerged in flood waters, Pedestrians struggled navigating city streets from one side to the other across heavily flooded roads.

337040cookie-checkParts of Eastleigh to be hit by power interruption Saturday..

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.