Shabaab Prisoners on death row flee Nord Galkayo jail…

Security Somalia news

Several Shabaab Militias prisoners sentenced to death have escaped from a heavily guarded jail in northern Galkayo, Puntland, Authorities confirmed, The Prisoners, who were awaiting execution for crimes, including murders and bombings, managed to flee the high-security facility under unclear circumstances…

This incident marks the second high-profile escape from Galkayo prison. In mid-July 2022, another group of death-sentenced prisoners managed to flee from the same facility, The escape coincides with a visit to Galkayo by Puntland President Deni, who departed for the city, Recently, families of those killed in Galkayo have demanded justice for the convicted Shabaab members, accusing the Puntland administration of attempting to facilitate the prisoners’ escape and warning that this could lead to clan revenge attacks.

Former Mudug Regional Governor and current Member of Parliament Abdiladiif Muse Sanyare expressed his dismay over the incident. “Regrettably, murderers sentenced to death three years ago and awaiting execution have escaped,” Sanyare said. He called for a thorough investigation to hold those responsible for aiding the escape accountable, The recent escape has raised concerns about the security and management of high-risk prisoners in Puntland, prompting calls for enhanced measures to prevent future incidents and ensure justice is served.

Most of the Shabaab prisoners held in Galkayo jails are young men aged between 17 and 20. The Puntland administration, which has executed Shabaab prisoners twice in Galkayo, has halted the execution of the latest captured members, most of whom are young, Reports indicate that Puntland has faced pressure from international human rights organizations, which have previously called for a halt to the execution of young Al-Shabaab members sentenced to death. In February 2022, Save the Children urged the Somali government to intervene against the long imprisonment and death sentences handed down by Puntland to six young men accused of being Al-Shabaab members and committing planned murders.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.