Somali Autism Summit brings together Advocates & Families “on an Awareness journey”..

Health Somalia news

The inaugural Maangaar Summit in Bloomington brought together parents, professionals, and service providers to address the unique challenges faced by Somali families with autistic children, within their community or “unique mind”, is a Somali term for autism…

It’s an urgent issue in Minnesota, where 1 in 16 Somali preschool children were diagnosed with autism in 2020. That number is more than three times the state average, Keynote speaker Hamza Mohamed, an “autism ambassador” from Seattle, spoke to both the cultural barriers that leave families with autistic children feeling isolated and the opportunity to move forward.

Discussion panels tackled practical solutions, offering families tools and resources to advocate for their children. Experts in the field emphasized the importance of culturally competent services, accessible to the East African parents of children with autism, Suggestions for families also included engaging in occupational therapy at home with simple activities like playing with homemade play dough or slime to enhance fine motor skills.

342660cookie-checkSomali Autism Summit brings together Advocates & Families “on an Awareness journey”..

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.

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