Somalia Federal Governments react to Shabab Militia training Video..

Somalia news

The Federal Government of Somalia has labeled as propaganda a video released by Shabaab, which showcased new fighters who had undergone training, Somalia’s Foreign Minister, Ahmed Macallin Fiqi, stated on Twitter that the video demonstrated that the Somali National Army had transformed Shabaab Militia fighters into Hollywood actors…

“I saw some of the terrorist group making a propaganda video & exaggeration. It shows they are hiding their weakness behind a well-produced film. On the other hand, it is our national army that has turned Al-Shabaab fighters into Hollywood actors,” Ahmed Fiqi said.

The statement from the Somali government came hours after Al-Shabaab released an extensive video displaying their fighters performing military drills. Media affiliated with Al-Shabaab claimed that the video had been translated into seven languages, The release of this video seems to be an attempt by Al-Shabaab to recruit more fighters from the region, as it was translated into Somali, English, Arabic, Amharic, Oromo, Swahili, and French.

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