Ethiopia appoints new Ambassador to Hargeisa…

Africa News Somalia news

The Ethiopian Government has appointed an envoy, serving as an Ambassador, to be stationed in Hargeisa to enhance the current relationship between the Somaliland administration and the Federal Government of Ethiopia, the new appointment will be aggravated and worsens the relationship between Somalia and Ethiopia..

The Ethiopian presidency held a ceremony for ambassadors recently appointed by President Sahlework Zewde to represent Ethiopia in various countries, including Somaliland, Teshome Shunde, the newly appointed Ethiopian ambassador to Somaliland, spoke at the ceremony and expressed his commitment to strengthening the relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia.

Ambassador Teshome Shunde stated that Somaliland and Ethiopia share a border and that he will work on fostering cooperation in security, trade, and cultural exchange between the two sides. He also emphasized his dedication to enhancing the relationship between the peoples of Ethiopia and Somaliland.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.