Chinese investors shift focus to neighboring countries amid challenges in Ethiopia..

Africa News Business Security

Chinese investors, who have significantly contributed to Ethiopia’s economy with investments totaling approximately $5 billion across more than 2,000 projects, are increasingly relocating their operations to neighboring countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania…

This trend is attributed to a multitude of challenges that have arisen in Ethiopia, prompting concerns from both the Chinese Embassy and local officials about the implications for the country’s economic development, As of May 2024, Chinese enterprises have created around 610,000 job opportunities in Ethiopia, playing an irreplaceable role in the nation’s modernization efforts. However, the representative from the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia expressed alarm over the recent shift in investment patterns. “For many reasons, Chinese investors have turned their business in Ethiopia to neighboring countries,” the representative stated.

“This is a great concern not only for the embassy but also for the country, because our mission is to facilitate cooperation between the two countries.” Hanna Arayaselassie, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), acknowledged these challenges during the second Ethio-China Friendship Cooperation Forum held two months back. She noted that efforts to strengthen trade and investment partnerships between Ethiopia and China are yielding tangible results. Despite this optimism, many investors remain apprehensive about the current business climate.

Andy Wu, a representative of Chinese investors in Ethiopia, highlighted several pressing issues affecting their operations. “Currently, Ethiopia faces significant challenges,” he said. “The security crisis, hard-currency shortages, and narrowing marketing opportunities are major concerns.” He further elaborated on the tax challenges that investors encounter: “We always face headaches with the customs bureau. Once production arrives, customers are often not happy or excited; it’s only complaints.”

The ongoing security crisis has led to increased difficulties in international ocean freight and logistics, further complicating the investment landscape for foreign businesses, Despite these hurdles, Wu emphasized the importance of fostering understanding between Chinese investors and Ethiopian stakeholders. “We want Ethiopians—not only the government but also scholars and the general public—to understand our business mindset and recognize what we bring to Ethiopia,” he stated.

The ongoing insecurity and political instability stemming from ethnic conflicts have adversely affected investment sentiment. The conflict in northern Ethiopia that ended in November 2022 and ongoing violence in regions like Oromia and Amhara have led to a decline in foreign direct investment.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.

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