A Family’s Harrowing quest for Survival amid Somalia’s Drought crisis..

Somalia news

In Somalia, the reality of climate change is felt daily. Once fertile lands are now barren, while families struggle to find safe drinking water. As drought ravages communities across the country, almost 3 million people have been displaced, seeking refuge in internally displaced people (IDP) camps…

Fatima and her family are facing the very worst consequences of drought, “The earth is dry, our farms are dying,” Fatima says about her once robust farming village, Balcad in southern Somalia, that was destroyed by drought, Crop failure is rampant, and livestock deaths have become commonplace.,“We’ve lost our crops, our animals, and the life we knew,” Fatima says.

The loss of her farming livelihood has been a profound blow to the Fatima community’s identity and sense of purpose, Driven by the sheer will to provide for her children, and like many from their village, Fatima and her family fled.

The endless search for water

Fatima’s family joined the growing number of those displaced, their belongings reduced to what could be carried on their backs as they travelled in search of stability, More importantly for Fatima and her children, the search for water dictated their every move, “We left in search of water,” she recalls. “It’s a daily struggle, finding enough just to survive.”

329110cookie-checkA Family’s Harrowing quest for Survival amid Somalia’s Drought crisis..