Access to and from the Sea is the latest narrative of the Abiy Administration…

Africa News Somalia news

The Federal Republic of Somalia extends its sincere gratitude to the Government of the sisterly Republic of Türkiye for its invitation to the talks in Ankara, where During the talks on August 12-13, progress was made. We appreciate President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s continued efforts in fostering peace and stability in the region…

Ethiopia is surrounded by 17 ports, including:

•Ports in Djibouti
•Ports in Eritrea
•Ports in Sudan
•Ports in Somalia
•Ports in Tanzania
•Ports in Kenya

As a result and as per the World Bank its economy is the fastest-growing in #Africa and one of the fastest-growing in the world, Yet, Abiy Ahmed the Premier of Ethiopia concocted the idea that Ethiopia will perish if it does not forcibly take a portion of Somalia’s coastline, believing in his warped mind that Somalia is weak and can be robbed.

But Somalia made it clear: Not an Inch, The UN, African Union, Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement, IGAD, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation stood with Somalia, as the UN Charter and international law unequivocally prohibit conquest.

339470cookie-checkAccess to and from the Sea is the latest narrative of the Abiy Administration…