USA seizes weapons shipment from stateless dhow in Arabian Sea
The U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet said on Saturday that the guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey (CG 61) seized an illicit shipment of weapons from a statRead More…
The U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet said on Saturday that the guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey (CG 61) seized an illicit shipment of weapons from a statRead More…
Faahfaahin ayaa laga helayaa Markab Nooca xamuul ah oo laga leeyahay dalka Iiraan oo la rumeysan yahay inuu saldhig u yahay ciidamada ilaalada kacaanRead More…
Xarunta Cilmiga Xidigaha ee fadhigeedu yahay Magaalada Dubai Ee Dalka Isutagga Emaaradka Carabta ayaa shaacisay xiliga ay ku beegan tahay bilashada BRead More…
The Egyptian former general who is now in hiding in Iran is ‘set to make terror group as dangerous as they were under Osama Bin Laden’, Mr.Saif al-AdRead More…
Dowladda Greece ayaa ku eedeeyay Ciidamada Amaanka Turkiga iney dhiirrigeliyaan Kooxaha tahriibka gaar ahaan kuwa Soomaalida, iyagoo u sahla qaababkRead More…
Dalalka Sacuudiga iyo Qatar oo sadexdii sano ee ugu u dambeeyay uu u dhaxeeyay khilaaf xoogan ayaa dadaalo nabadeed oo lagu heshiisiinaayo la bilaabRead More…
Travel agencies in countries across the Middle East and Africa said the United Arab Emirates has temporarily halted issuing new visas to their citizeRead More…
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed gave Tigrayan regional forces 72 hours to surrender before the military begins an offensive on the regional capitRead More…
Warbixino hordhac ah oo la helay ayaa tilmaamaya in 3-Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Sirdoinka Dibeda Ee UK (MI6), lagu helay iney marin-habaabiyeen baaris lagRead More…
Christopher C. Miller, the new U.S. acting secretary of defense, spearheaded a controversial plan last month to “buy off” nearly a dozen Al-Shabaab lRead More…