Pilot’s quick action that prevented plane collision At JKIA.

Africa News

Kenyans were outraged by the occurrence and wanted answers from the airport’s administration. The airport is the largest and busiest in East Africa and sees hundreds of planes a day from both domestic and foreign destinations…

Concerns were raised about the safety of having two planes on the runway at once, and Flight Control was questioned about its part in the mix-up and the measures it took to fix things.

According to FlightRadar24’s logs, “Kenya Airways Flight KQ101 from London initiated a go-around at 5,375 feet approximately 3800 feet before the runway threshold at 5:15 this morning.” The beginning of the adjacent cargo apron can be found here. Expert pilot Ian Cox tweeted that the airport’s elevation was 5,330 feet.

It was also revealed that the flight to Rwanda had left 20 minutes early, which begs the question of who gave permission for it to leave when another plane was on its way to land, At the time of publication, neither JKIA nor the KAA had issued a statement on the matter, which once again brought up the problem of JKIA’s single runway despite its frequent use.

A Singapore Airlines Boeing 747-400 cargo plane was unable to take off on Monday, April 17, due to damaged tires, closing the airport’s single runway and forcing the rerouting of multiple flights.

276400cookie-checkPilot’s quick action that prevented plane collision At JKIA.

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.
