Somali teenager divorced by Husband for bedwetting after brutal Childbirth

Somalia news

Seventeen-year-old Gani Adan not only lost her baby, but was divorced by her husband, and scorned cruelly by her neighbours for 10 months whilst she suffered incontinence resulting from her traumatic first childbirth experience, After being in labour for three days, the traditional midwives attending to her forcefully pulled the dead baby from Gani’s womb, rupturing her bladder…

The residents of Buurdhuxunle village in southern Bakool region, where she lived with her mother, started gossiping about her as word spread that she had been divorced because she could not retain her urine, “When I suffered this problem, I fell into shock. My husband couldn’t bear to be with me so that was how I was divorced. People used to gossip about my condition, they would say that this girl can’t hold back her urine and that is why she was divorced,” she said.

On 30 November, Gani received free fistula surgery in Luq mother and child hospital in Gedo. Recuperating in bed, she recalled that the reason her husband left her was her bed wetting, “Urine was flowing when I was brought here. I received free medicine that has improved my condition. I also underwent free surgery. Now, I am 100 per cent healthy,” she said.

Gani’s family was informed of the fistula surgery after a neighbour travelling to Luq heard a town crier announcing the service to the public. The mother and child hospital provides free treatment and food, with funding from Trócaire and Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) for the surgery, Gani was among 26 women from Bay, Bakool and Gedo regions who underwent the fistula surgery and are now recovering in hospital.


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