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Video footage has emerged of several Western diplomats meeting with leaders of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), showing them frankly discussing plans to overthrow Ethiopia’s democratically-elected president, Abiy Ahmed. Abiy arrived at the front lines on Wednesday to take personal control over the effort to halt the TPLF’s offensive…
Top US, UK and European Union diplomats with longstanding connections to Ethiopia during its 27 years of TPLF rule met on Zoom on Sunday with a “chief representative” of the TPLF, trading ideas about the group’s potential to seize power and the Ethiopian National Defense Force’s (ENDF) ability to stop it.

According to investigative journalist Jeff Pearce, the video was shot on a phone camera by an unnamed participant in the meeting and given to him. The source said the meeting was held under the auspices of the Peace and Development Center International, which they described as “TPLF and OLF-run masquerading as NGO,” referring to the TPLF-allied Oromo Liberation Front.On the center’s website, it lists among its partners and donors the US Agency for International Development (USAID), which is part of the US State Department, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a well-known and self-admitted CIA front, both of which have astroturfed opposition parties and funneled funds to pro-US groups from Hong Kong to Nicaragua and beyond.

Among those seen in the video are US Ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto; Vicki Huddleston, former Chargé d’Affaires ad interim to Ethiopia; former US deputy assistant secretary of defense for African Affairs and US assistant secretary of state for Africa; and Berhane Gebre-christos, a longtime TPLF official who served as Ethiopia’s ambassador to the United States for 10 years after it came to power in 1992 until 2002 and was later Ethiopia’s ambassador to several European countries, the EU, and to China. Berhane was also foreign minister from 2010 until 2012. He was introduced in the meeting as a “chief representative of the TLF,” an older name for the TPLF.