Why US is tying up Kenya Security partnership in the Horn…

Africa News

US interest in heavily pouring Billions in Kenya’s defense partnership is a gesture of hidden reward the super ally expects from Kenya. In the Defense cooperation, US among other agreements announced Kenya will participate & Host the largest U.S Military exercises in Africa…

Here is the untold Fact: US military must find home for thousands of its soldiers & military hardware in Africa. With China, Russia inroads in West Africa the Alliance of Sahel States (Burkina 🇧🇫Faso, Mali, Niger 🇳🇪, Guinea 🇬🇳) has shocked the US & other West powers, Recently Niger & Chad joined other African countries who have kicked out US forces out of their country. So where do the soldiers go? US forces in Niger will be out by september.

While the extended funding announced by US is meant to support Kenya’s Military capacity, Fresh details can now exclusively reveal information of a plan in place to establish a US-Kenya Military base in Wajir, North Eastern Kenya in the coming months.

This then raises the Question why would The U.S. appoint & announce seven advisors in Kenya to support Kenyan aviators. Also why would US deploy a Strategic Logistics Advisor to Kenya’s Ministry of Defense? Who are this two going to serve Government of Kenya or the US?

Further,Kenya has a fleet of its Military Aircrafts which recently have been a task to maintain. But then how would you add 16 more fleets without Kenya’s Defense Budget expansion? Who & How will this Aircrafts be maintained, A choice of a US Military base in Wajir & Kenya a designate Host of the Largest US Military training in Africa, This then summarizes the 16 Aircrafts Kenya defense ‘beneficiary’, A logistics advisor, 7 aviator advisors & the a whole 150 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles.

The Major Non-NATO Ally designation is a powerful symbol of the close relationship the United States shares with a country. This then means any cooperation between US and Kenya will not be subjected to interrogations, Note this: By the status that means the US Government cannot adversely question key Military cooperation decisions the US makes with Kenya including establishment of new bases & increased Massive fundings.

328430cookie-checkWhy US is tying up Kenya Security partnership in the Horn…

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.
