Al-Shabaab killed 54 Ugandan Soldiers in Somalia attack, President Museveni says..

Africa News

Uganda’s President, Yoweri Museveni, has declared that two Ugandan army commanders involved in the ATMIS operation will face a court martial, he stated that the two Commanders had ordered the troops to retreat during the May 26 attack by al-Shabaab on the ATMIS mission base in the Buulo Mareer region of Lower Shabelle..

The mistake was made by two commanders, Maj. Oluka and Maj. Obbo, who ordered the soldiers to retreat. They have been apprehended and will face charges in the Court Martial,” “They have been arrested and will face charges in the military court. Our soldiers showed remarkable resilience, regrouped, and recaptured the base,” President Museveni announced via a statement on Twitter.

Additionally, President Museveni confirmed that 54 soldiers were killed in the al-Shabaab attack on the ATMIS military base in the Buulo Mareer region, In the previous week, President Museveni acknowledged that the Ugandan forces had sustained casualties in the attack but did not reveal specific details about the number of soldiers killed.

259260cookie-checkAl-Shabaab killed 54 Ugandan Soldiers in Somalia attack, President Museveni says..