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Holidaymakers have slammed Heathrow after staff confiscated a woman’s makeup because they claimed her lipstick was a liquid, Shadia Black, from Switzerland, spent two days in London with just hand luggage, and was going through Heathrow Terminal Two’s security when she was stopped by staff…
The law student and fashion model said staff initially wanted to confiscate her travel-sized £250 Estée Lauder perfume and face wash gel before they resigned to taking three of her unused lipsticks worth around £90, Shadia told MailOnline the experience left her ‘enraged’, especially as Heathrow’s website said solid lipsticks were not considered liquids, She said: ‘They took my bag aside and looked through everything and took a perfume and a face wash gel.

They started putting all my lipsticks in [a clear] bag. They said it was liquid, ‘It’s a misuse of position. They didn’t throw it away. They just put it aside, ‘The rules are the rules. I didn’t like the way staff were handling things.
‘I was enraged.’
Shadia said she left the three lipsticks with security because she didn’t want to miss her flight, She said she wanted ‘people in power to be kept in check. I am fuming. I’ve never been so mad before’.