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The young Americans imprisoned at Irshad Rehabilitation Centre feared the isolation room the most, When they violated some rehab-center rule, or no rule at all, they’d be locked in the room, located in a corner of an inner courtyard that was topped by electrified wire and razor coils…
Abdirizak Aden Ahmed, a Somali-American teenager from Mechanicsburg, Pa., says he spent a dozen or so stints in isolation during the eight months he was confined against his will at Irshad, in Nairobi’s heavily Somali Eastleigh neighborhood.

Irshad and similar facilities in Somalia and Kenya market themselves to desperate diaspora Somali parents as professional treatment for young people who are drug users, alcoholics, mentally ill, gay, disobedient, sacrilegious or simply too Westernized.
Mr. Aden’s mother, frantic about his marijuana use in Pennsylvania, says she paid Irshad $600 a month for what the center promised would be effective drug-treatment, room and board.
Sources:-Hundreds of Somali-American Youths Held Captive in Rehab Centers; ‘They Were Torturing Me’