Mooted Horn Of Africa Alliance poses Opportunity on…


Mooted Horn of Africa Alliance poses Opportunities on Banana-Skin path..
On January 27, The Leaders of Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea made a formal proclamtion suggesting a New regional Bloc was in offing and confirming what experts had Talked off before, meeting in Asmara, Leaders said, thier ”Candid and extensive discussions” on the situation in their countries had seen a solution could come from some sort of cooperation.
The best three Countries have faced civil strif in the last three decades, now just stabilizing, they are now facing the theart of al-Shabab and a teeming mass of youth who remain unemployed and political dangerous. According to various UN reporters, terrorism, arms smuggling and human trafficking are key issues facing the three, and the Horn of Africa in general, yet the dispatch also acknowledged that the potential economic rise here has been hampered by poor infrastructure, inadequate skilled Human Resources and generally net  import economies.
The Leaders also admitted that they cloud probably not do it alone, and promised to engage “their friends and partners, on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, those partners were not  indicted, but they could well come from neighborhood, meaning Djibouti, Sudan and Suoth Sudan could be in the offing… or even countries from across the Arabian Peninsula, So, why are these countries planning a new bloc when they already belong to one, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), one reason, argue experts is that IGAD,  which was formed to deal with regional security crisis and natural disasters has experienced internal wrangles.
“IGAD is a security bloc which might be made irrelevant along the way” argued Pro.Macharia  Munene, Lecturer Of History and international relations at the USIU-Africa. “But it is a matter of power politics, if the rulers of Ethiopia and Eritrea now feel they are love with each other think they can from a formidable economic bloc, with the still troubled Somalia, it points to strategic ambitions… Ethiopia wants an outlet to the Indian Ocean and Red Sea.. and once it get that, it will need Djibouti.
Eritrea has boycotted IGAD meetings for nearly a dacade although observers think it suspended itself as relations with Ethiopia soured over time, Addis was Chairman of IGAD until 2019, when it handed over to Khartoum, but Ethiopian National is now head of Secretariat at IGAD, based in Djibouti.
“Afwerki’s eyes were always on the ball, which was to guide the Horn into some sort of Cushitic Alliance” observed Dr.Alax Owiti, Coordinator of the Centre for Conflict Research Institute in Nairobi. 

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