MP Sanbalolshe is set to be Appointed New Director Of NISA..

Somalia news

📢 Breaking News:- Diinah.comnews has learned that MP Abdullahi Mohamed Ali “Sanbalolshe” is set to be appointed as the Director of HSNQ_NISA..

A Somali politician and Federal Parliament member, Sanbalolshe has previously served as the head of Somalia’s intelligence agency, His appointment comes amid political turmoil in Hirshabelle, following the ousting of the administration in Baladweyne by armed factions declaring an independent state. Notably, Sanbalolshe hails from the Hiran region and He sold Qalbidhagax, Stay tuned for more updates.

316390cookie-checkMP Sanbalolshe is set to be Appointed New Director Of NISA..

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.