Shabab Wreaks Havoc In Kenya Governor Call Help

Africa News Somalia news

Governor Ali Roba has raised an alarm over the resurgence of the Somalia terror-based group the Shabab, he said the group is getting bolder and more aggressive bye the day…

The Governor on Friday said he has been forced to go public about the deteriorating security situation in North eastern region particularly Mandera County because the people are now living in fear after a return of the Somalia militias terror group who have occupied strategic locations in the country and the region.

According to Mr.Roba a serious security crisis is unfolding with Mondera County caused by undeterred movements of terror cells within the County, he said the situation has been developing over the last three months but has reached unprecedented levels now.

“The Terror groups are collecting livestock by force from helpless Pastoralists in name of Zakat (offering), this requires a redical approach to manege the trend otherwise we will soon be under terror rule” Said The Governor Mr.Ali. currently the terror group manges more than 60% of Mandera with the will of the Public suppressed by the terror group.

“They roam freely and the Public has kept on reporting this movements (actionable intelligence) but unfortunately the situation has kept on growing from bad to worse, the terror group boldly video record their actions and the purpose of the footage remains unclear what intended is” The Governor said

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