Somali mobile firms launch interconnection service

Somalia news

Somalia’s National Communications Authority (NCA) said six mobile phone operators have completed their interconnection service, marking a significant milestone for the telecom industry…

The NCA, the telecom industry regulator, said in a statement issued Sunday evening that the interconnection service will enable seamless connectivity between the operators and provide millions of customers with more options and competitive pricing.

“The successful interconnection among the six operators is a significant achievement for the telecom industry in Somalia. Therefore, this will promote competition, reduce prices, and provide more options for customers,” said Mustafa Yasin Sheikh, the NCA general manager. “We applaud the operators’ efforts in completing this important milestone and encourage them to continue collaborating to benefit the industry and consumers.”

The interconnection will allow for the exchange of voice traffic between the six operators, enhancing the quality of service for customers and expanding the network coverage, the NCA said.

According to the NCA, the deal breaks a restriction that has long impeded the Somali citizens’ ability to communicate more efficiently and will also promote healthy competition among the operators, leading to better pricing and service offerings for consumers, Yasin said the previous interconnection agreements failed in 2000 and 2014 mainly because of a lack of regulatory framework.

“We hope this time round it will be successful because we have the tools, such as a communications law that mandates interconnection, regulations, guidelines, and regulatory authority that has the oversight mandate,” he said.

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Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.