The Al Shabab Surrogate Millionaires 

Somalia news

Shabab Militia has multiple sources income and earns Hunderds of millions of US $ every year, according to Sources from the business community whom we cannot name for security reasons, there are thousands and thousands of farm owned by al-Shabab but manged by untraceable people..

The Al-Shabab collect a huge financial revenue through extortion, this so-called (Zakawad), charity in different arrangements, they have digital transactions Accounts to Accounts, Hawala/Remittance, and cash by hand. Another type of taxation is livestock, taking thousands of animals every year from pastoral Communities, some these herds are sole, and others are given to covert Al-Shabab Family in rural areas.

This Worldlords has variety of business and shares acorss the board, including real estate electronic and Education sectors shares in Banks, Telecommunications, farms, the charcoal industry, Lemon export and many more, they have business partners and Surrogate people who work in their business, this Militia is more dangerous, complex and deeper than we think.

According to the Somali Merchants, Al-Shabab extortion and taxation are far higher than the Somali Government for instance long distance intersatate, land transportation with commercial goods, example a10-ton Vehicle from Mogadishu to Beledhawo ( Somalia-Kenyan Borders) Mandela corridor Al-Shabab Charges 3000-US$, whereas SFG & FMS together charge 1800 US$.
or even less, in the real estate Al-Shabab Charges 2,50 US$ per 100$ while the Somali Government does per 100$, Lemon and other dried fruits for export not charge anything at all.

Mogadishu seaport is invested in and managed by Turkish company Albayrak since 2012, and the seaport is equipped and relatively modernazid and completely changed the shipping capacity by far, international shipping companies like MSC, Mediterranean Shipping Campany (Somalia), Maersk and CM-CGM are now operating Mogadishu bringing over 10.000 containers every month, Al-Shabab Charges 150-US$ per 40 Feet, and 90-US$ per 20 feet containers,while the Mogadishu port management company Albayrak Charges US$-192 per container.

219290cookie-checkThe Al Shabab Surrogate Millionaires 

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.