Calm Returns to Mandera After Three Killed in Inter-clan Violence

Somalia news

Calm has returned to the Lafey-Elwak border in Mandera after two days of inter-clan skirmishes in which three people were killed. On Saturday, Governor Ali Roba, MPs Abdi Mude [Lafey] and Kullow Sheikh [Mandera South], security officers and MCAs held a conciliatory meeting with representatives of the hostile communities following the Thursday-Friday violence….

The leaders urged the two communities resident in Lafey and Mandera South to stop the bloodshed, Roba encouraged community leaders to engage in dialogue and find a permanent solution to their differences, Mude condemned the skirmishes and urged residents to restore the harmony that they had enjoyed for many years.

“It is unfortunate that part of our resources and time are consumed by such unnecessary matters. Why resort to killing your neighbour? We appeal to our people to desist from acts of lawlessness and co-exist like brothers and sisters,” he said,He called for the exposure of “the dark forces that continuously plan and finance the destabilisation of our people. We will coordinate efforts with the security personnel to make sure they are brought to book.”

He urged security agencies to speedily arrest the perpetrators of the violence, noting that it is primitive to kill or hurt a neighbour, In August, a  committee was set up to end a boundary row and fighting between the two communities, This followed cases of arson and destruction of houses over the boundary of Lafey and Mandera South.

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