The UAE Joins The Tigray War: Emirati Wing Loong I UCAVs Deploy To Ethiopia

Africa News

The deployment of Emirati unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) on the side of the Ethiopian government has been speculated on ever since the beginning of conflict with the rebellious Tigray Region in November 2020. Nonetheless, the oft-repeated claim that several Chinese-made Wing Loong UCAVs operated out of Assab air base in Eritrea to undertake combat missions over Tigray has never been supported by evidence that points towards such a deployment…

However, new information received by the authors’ from an aircraft mechanic working at Harar Media air base appears to finally disclose the presence of Emirati Wing Loong Is UCAVs over Ethiopia. [1], Rather than operating out of neighbouring Eritrea, the United Arab Emirates appears to have deployed at least six Wing Loong I UCAVs to Harar Media air base located near the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. The deployment of Emirati armed drones to Ethiopia comes amidst an increasingly detoriating security situation throughout the country, with government forces all but capable of stemming the threat from Tigray forces.

After the Ethiopian Army’s disastrous offensive against Tigray forces in early October, these commenced a counteroffensive that at one point even threatened the security of the capital. [2]
 Reports that the Ethiopian government could soon succumb to the threat posed by Tigray forces is sure to have alerted authorities in Abu Dhabi, and might have been the very reason for an immediate deployment of Wing Loong Is from the United Arab Emirates Air Force’s (UAEAF) stocks to Ethiopia.

The source reported on the recent arrival of at least six Wing Loong Is along with Emirati personnel to Harar Meda air base, although it’s not yet clear whether the Emiratis will also operate the UCAVs over Ethiopia. Considering Ethiopian personnel would first need to undergo extensive training on the operations of Wing Loong Is, the initial use of Emirati operators does not seem implausible.

153820cookie-checkThe UAE Joins The Tigray War: Emirati Wing Loong I UCAVs Deploy To Ethiopia