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It is uncertain which type of leaders would approve an agreement that would result in Somalia losing its independence and territorial control. The agreement permits UAE to take control of Somali land, sea, and airports with no limitations, and also allows the foreign power’s military personnel complete freedom of movement throughout Somalia..
Furthermore, the agreement grants the United Arab Emirates Intelligence Agencies the power to control information and intelligence gathering, which will subordinate the Somali national intelligence agency to the foreign power’s intelligence agency.
The agreement’s most concerning aspect is that it grants the foreign power’s military personnel immunity from legal action and compensation for any wrongdoing committed during their operations in Somalia. This suggests that Somali victims of atrocities committed by the foreign entity will have no legal means of recourse in their own country. Additionally, the foreign power is not subject to any legal action, domestic or international, even in the event of deadly consequences to the local population.

Anonymus Source said UAE exported to Somalia $534M worth of ” fake Tobacco and $64.4M cheap concentrated Milk”, Whilst and Somalia exported to UAE ” Gold and sheeps and Goats” worth $146M.