Somalia Military Offensive Preparations: Phase 2 appear to be facing Delays, Uncertainty…
Somalia’s Army Commander says he is unsure frontline countries will participate in the planned military operations against al-Shabaab despite earliRead More…
Somalia’s Army Commander says he is unsure frontline countries will participate in the planned military operations against al-Shabaab despite earliRead More…
Kahawa Law Court Magistrate Gideon Kiage gave ATPU 14 days to probe Zuena Nakhumicha Machabe in suspected terrorism facilitation and recruitment, MacRead More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya xeryaha Qaxootiga Degaanada Xagardheer iyo Dhadhaab ee Waqooyiga-Bari Kenya ayaa sheegaya in 2200-Dhallinyaro qaxooti ah ayaRead More…
Waxaa Sanooyinkii ugu dambeeyay aad ugu soo kordhay Aanooyinka Beelaha wada daga Degaanada hoos yimaada Maamul Goboleedka Galmudug kuwaasoo intooda bRead More…
Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa sheegaya In Hogaanka Ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku howlgala magaca ATMIS (sector-3) ay HowRead More…
Macluumaad ayaa sheegaya in Wasiirka Gaadiidka iyo Duulista Hawada Dowlada lagu wado maanta Dowladda Kenya ay la saxiixi doonto heshiis dhanka hawadaRead More…
Garissa in North Eastern Kenya is one of the hottest places in the country with temperatures sometimes soaring to 40 degrees Celcius. The landscape iRead More…
Warbixin welwel xambaarsan syaa muujineysa iney aad u kordheen sanadihii ugu dambeeyay hantida lagu Maalgelinaayo Dhismayaasha Guryaha ee Soomaalida Read More…
On July 26, there was a military coup in Niger. It was the fifth coup in Sahel West Africa in three years, the others having been in Mali, Burkina FaRead More…
Warar dheeraad ah ayaa laga helayaa howlgal Ciidan oo iska kaashadeen Ciidamada Kenya iyo kuwa USA waxeyna ka fuliyeen degaanno hoostaga Degmada LamuRead More…