Priority of Incoming Administration in Engaging Transinal Planning

Somalia news

The incoming administration of President Hassan Sh.Mohamud is currently engaged in transition planning, Part of a successful transition is a robust and thorough agency reviews, Traditionally, agency reviews are used to collect information to inform policy planning & budgetary decisions…

Agency reviews are also important in taking stock of current situation, to cover blind-spots and to ensure a smooth transition, But agency planning are also critical in establishing the facts & to ensure new admin isn’t blamed for the mistakes of the outgoing administration.

The governance culture of the past 5-years can best be described as chaotic, criminal and extrajudicial, The incoming administration will inherit a deeply dysfunctional and criminally personalized bureaucracy.

While a full agency review of all gov’t ministries won’t be possible, the transition team should consider reviews of:

  1. Villa Somalia
  2. Benadir Regional Administration
  3. NISA
  4. Foreign Ministry
  5. Ministry of Defense

We recommended the President Hassan in his first week in office should appoint new NISA chief, new Mogadishu Mayor and new police chief. These are critical appointments!!

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