The Dictator’s Vision is to be the Center of every Citizen’s Life

Somalia news

Over the past 5-years, Farmaajo and his Allies has governed Somalia part despot, part troll, His shenanigans over the past 24-hours sends the unmistakeable message that his entire campaign is a troll operation, What a fitting end to the tragic nightmare that was Farmaajo…

In both emblems, the dictator stands resolutely at the center, The dictator’s vision is to be the center of every citizen’s life, both publicly and privately. Hailed as a teacher, father and savior of the nation, the dictator wants to be your guide.

Unbelievable Embattled Farmaajo unveils a kacaan-esque emblem, Critics who have long argued that Farmaajo political philosophy built on clan nationalism, violence and thuggery was inspired by the dictatorship of Siyad Barre, stand vindicated today.

Why Somalia needs change from Farmaajo’s and Khaire’s ruinous reign, They were given power and trust and they showed — for five years ( Farmaajo) and three years (Khaire) — that they were not leaders but angry/showy small p politicians, Somalia needs change.

Farmaajo said, ”We are here for chenge, snd our chenge is still going on” a Country in need of change strengthening governments institutions strengthening security, reforming the economy enforcing foreign and domestic policies and developing social and public services, the ongoing change is the same as it is now.

187180cookie-checkThe Dictator’s Vision is to be the Center of every Citizen’s Life