What’s Happening with Kenyans Muslim Marriages

Africa News

Kenyan Muslim community has also witnessed “changing attitudes to marriage, especially among young women who are becoming more educated and trying to be more financially independent,”  Due to “widespread workplace discrimination” and “patriarchal traditions,” an increasing number of women are saying no to marriage..

A statistic rapport indicate A total of 345 divorce cases were filed at the Kadhis Court in Mombasa against 369 marriages. 208 divorce cases filed at Garissa Kadhis Court against registration of 90 marriages. In Wajir, 148 divorce cases against 52 marriages. Status of Judiciary Report 2022.

Women empowerment and feminist have infiltrated in Muslim community, People go into marriage with wrong mindset.Feminists ideology, independence and I have to craft the live i want to live and yet Quran and Sunnah is explicit on how Muslim couples should run their family. Moreso influence from western perspective and social media dopamine clicks.

223860cookie-checkWhat’s Happening with Kenyans Muslim Marriages

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.
