Yellow Fever continues to spread in Kenya — WHO 

Africa News

The Yellow Fever disease could still be spreading in northern Kenya, according to a World Health Organization report, The first case was reported on January 12 and by March 5, the Ministry of Health had recorded 15 suspected cases, three confirmed cases and three deaths..

However, by end of March, WHO says that suspected cases had risen to 53, “The cases include six deaths, having been reported from Isiolo county and central Kenya,” the WHO says in a status report.

Despite the outbreak, there has been no mass vaccination yet, However, in March, the Ministry of Health said it was procuring vaccines to conduct the exercise, “Yellow fever vaccination is included in the national routine immunisation schedule ( for children at nine months).

186450cookie-checkYellow Fever continues to spread in Kenya — WHO 

Mr.Malabow is a Senior Writer and Editor at the Strategic Intelligence, Specializes in writing intelligence reports, geopolitics, military intelligence and organize crime reports.